JewJu Box

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Is a JewJu Box a green choice?

Are we being as environmentally responsible as we could be? We’ve been giving the question a lot of thought.

At first glance, the answer is a very easy “yes”.

Here are some things we feel very good about:

1)     Our boxes, being metal, are eminently reusable and unlikely to land in a landfill site. The same goes for our linen bags.

2)     Our candles, being LEDs, don’t release chemicals when burned (because they don’t burn) and are long-lasting. LED bulbs, used in our Shabbat tea lights and our electric Chanukiah, are very energy-efficient.

3)     Where we can, we buy as locally as possible, and support local small businesses at the same time. For example, our portable tea light holders come from Ontario, our cards, our Seder sets are made right here by local artists.

4)     We do our best to avoid buying cheap junk that will be quickly disposed of. That’s why, for example, our Tzedakah boxes are plain and attractive, and in a neutral design.

5)     Some of our smaller boxes are actually repurposed (but not used), so they were saved from a landfill. In fact, our labels hide embossing from their original intended use.

6)     We don’t order or offer same-day delivery, which takes a heavy toll on the environment because it increases air traffic.

7)     Where possible, the paper we print on is FSC certified or recycled.

8)     We reuse packing material.

9) The contents of our boxes are meant to be used for years to come.

10) We pack our literature in cellophane envelopes, which come from natural resources and are compostable (but not recyclable).

But it’s not completely clear cut (so to speak).

1)     The batteries in our candles are button batteries and made with lithium. Lithium mining is contentious.

2)     Our candles, and travel candle holders are plastic, a petroleum product.

3)     Many of the products we sell or source originate in China, meaning they travel a very long way indeed, and we can’t vouch for the conditions under which they were made.

 We’re grappling with how to continue to improve, while keeping our boxes affordable, attractive, and practical. If you have suggestions, we’d love to hear them.