How do you spell Chanukah?


We grew up spelling Chanukah....C-h-a-n-u-k-a-h, but really there's only one correct way to spell it: in Hebrew: 

חנוכה ​

A quick Internet search brings us to's list, 16 Ways to Spell Hanukkah. 

There are 18 spellings on his list. Here they are, in order of popularity.

1. Hanukkah 2. Chanukah 3. Hanukah 4. Hannukah 5. Chanuka 6. Chanukkah 7. Hanuka 8. Channukah 9. Chanukka 10. Hanukka 11. Hannuka 12. Hannukkah ​13. Channuka 14. Xahuka 15. Hannukka 16. Channukkah 17. Channukka ​18. Chanuqa

Of course, that's only in English....

Enjoy this take on the question, a song from the Leevees.

Do you know someone celebrating Chanukah in a new place this year?

If so, we have the perfect solution! Our
ChanuBox is filled with all the essentials to make the holiday special, including candles, dreidels, gelt, and more. Say “Chag Sameach” with a ChanuBox today!

Word cloud with wods related to Chanukah.

Chanukah: A Holiday with No Holy Texts


So how minor is Chanukah, really?